RE: Preserve cache - remember to increase refresh patterns

From: Richard Dale <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 12:19:19 +0800

Hi Charles (cool surname!) & squid-users

There's a slight change to your procedure that would make things run a bit


> Basically you do something like this:
> 1. install Squid-2, configure with 16gigs of cache space, even if this
> might already by used by Squid-1. Configure to use a different port to
> Squid-1.
> 2. Configure Squid-2 with parent Squid-1, and enable PURGE requests on
> Squid-1 (in squid.conf).
> 3. Create a list of all the URLs in Squid-1's cache (from the logs).

3A - Set the refresh pattern(s) in Squid v1 squid.conf file REALLY HIGH so
that all objects are apparently fresh. Otherwise Squid-1 will do all sorts
of IMS requests. The alternative to this is to create a smart list of URLs
that are fresh based upon the entries in squid-1's store.log and squid.conf.

> 4. Recurse through this lists of URLs. For each URL:
> a. send a GET request to Squid-2 for that URL.
> Squid-2 will then
> grab
> the object from Squid-1 and store it in its cache.
> b. send a PURGE request to Squid-1 for that URL.
> Eventually Squid-2 will have all the objects, and Squid-1
> will be empty.
> FAQ maintainer note: This sounds like a good candidate for updating in
> the FAQ.

rm -rf cache & made me cringe :)

Richard Dale - AOT Consulting
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Received on Wed Nov 18 1998 - 21:07:19 MST

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