Re: Speeding up my new transparent proxy

From: David J Woolley <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 15:48:30 +0000

> This
> specific site also uses cgi scripts to send ads to the users, by the
> way.

This is one of your main problems. A large number of sites generate
uncacheable content for essentially commercial reasons; these sites
tend to dominate the browsing of most recreational users. Some also
do it through ignorance - "cool" features like hit counters in text
look attractive but defeat cacheing.

Note that apparently amateur sites can still suffer because their web
hosting service makes things uncacheable. There are definitely some
in the UK that make all HTML uncacheable.

You might want to look at, but there may be legal
problems and accusations of censorship.

Except for completely blocking such sites, or preventing the storing
of pages that you know will never revalidate successfully, to
preserve disk space for useful purposes, I don't think squid helps
much in this area.

Another factor is that most browsers cache, so you may well be seeing
lots of If-Modified-Since requests. If your server has never seen
the orginal page, these will always miss. If it has got the page and
it revalidates, you will only return a small amount of data.

David Woolley - Office: David Woolley <>
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England         51  21' 44" N,  00  09' 01" W (WGS 84)
Received on Thu Nov 19 1998 - 09:30:10 MST

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