Re: digest only peering?

From: Jose Manuel Sanchez Bretones <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 10:42:16 +0100

Sorry about my english. said:
> Is anyone out there running their cache with some siblings (which they
> don't control) peering only via cache-digests (ie, no ICP queries?)

At CICA we're testing sibling relationships with some of the cache
servers in our network using cache-digest and not icp.

Up to now the results are quite promising: we have a cache-digest-hit
rate close to 2% for each one of the experimental siblings, the
false-hit rate is, approximately, 30%, and the icp traffic is (of
course) 0.

It is worth noting that false hits are not a big issue in our setup,
all the hosts share the same connection to the rest of the Internet.

                        Jose Manuel.

                           Jose Manuel Sanchez Bretones
   ___ ___ ___ Area de Comunicaciones
  / / / / / C.I.C.A.
 / / / /--/ Avda.Reina Mercedes, s/n
/___ / /___ / / 41012.- Sevilla (Espan~a)
                      Tlf: 95-4623811
Received on Fri Nov 20 1998 - 02:56:19 MST

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