Squid 2.1 REL on UW7

From: Roland Gigler <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 15:37:06 +0100


I use Squid 2.1 RELEASE on a UnixWare 7.0.0 system.

The daemon does an abnormal termination.

The output from cache.log shows two FATAL lines
For the first one, I decreased the store_avg_object_size setting to 4 KB
(from 13 KB)in
the config file.
The daemon is now running again.

But what is the real problem ?
Any ideas ?


from Cache.log
1998/11/19 19:28:37| Squid Cache (Version 2.1.RELEASE): Exiting
1998/11/19 19:28:42| Starting Squid Cache version 2.1.RELEASE for ...
1998/11/19 19:28:42| Process ID 1377
1998/11/19 19:28:42| With 2048 file descriptors available
1998/11/19 19:28:42| helperOpenServers: Starting 5 'dnsserver' processes
1998/11/19 19:28:42| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 13
1998/11/19 19:28:42| Swap maxSize 10240 KB, estimated 787 objects
1998/11/19 19:28:42| Target number of buckets: 15
1998/11/19 19:28:42| Using 8192 Store buckets, replacement runs every 10
1998/11/19 19:28:42| Max Mem size: 8192 KB
1998/11/19 19:28:42| Max Swap size: 10240 KB
1998/11/19 19:28:42| Rebuilding storage in Cache Dir #0 (CLEAN)
1998/11/19 19:28:42| Loaded Icons.
1998/11/19 19:28:42| Accepting HTTP connections on port 8889, FD 36.
1998/11/19 19:28:42| Ready to serve requests.
1998/11/19 19:28:42| Done reading Cache Dir #0 swaplog (29 entries)
1998/11/19 19:28:43| Finished rebuilding storage disk.
1998/11/19 19:28:43| 29 Entries read from previous logfile.
1998/11/19 19:28:43| 0 Entries scanned from swap files.
1998/11/19 19:28:43| 0 Invalid entries.
1998/11/19 19:28:43| 0 With invalid flags.
1998/11/19 19:28:43| 29 Objects loaded.
1998/11/19 19:28:43| 0 Objects expired.
1998/11/19 19:28:43| 0 Objects cancelled.
1998/11/19 19:28:43| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
1998/11/19 19:28:43| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
1998/11/19 19:28:43| Took 1 seconds ( 29.0 objects/sec).
1998/11/19 19:28:43| Beginning Validation Procedure
1998/11/19 19:28:45| Completed Validation Procedure
1998/11/19 19:28:45| Validated 29 Entries
1998/11/19 19:28:45| store_swap_size = 127k
1998/11/23 08:22:53| WARNING: filemap utilization at 88%
        Consider decreasing store_avg_object_size in squid.conf
1998/11/23 09:39:39| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
1998/11/23 09:39:39| Finished. Wrote 1551 entries.
1998/11/23 09:39:39| Took 0 seconds (1551.0 entries/sec).
FATAL: file_map_allocate: Exceeded filemap limit
Squid Cache (Version 2.1.RELEASE): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 29.280 seconds
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0
FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying.
1998/11/23 09:39:39| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
1998/11/23 09:39:39| Finished. Wrote 1551 entries.
1998/11/23 09:39:39| Took 0 seconds (1551.0 entries/sec).


Roland Gigler                  (o o)
Siemens AG, Muenchen           Mail:                      rolandg@scn.de 
ICN WN ES D 132		                    Roland.Gigler@icn.siemens.de	
Phone: +49 89 722 31289        
Fax:   +49 89 722 32421        WWW: http://www.mch.pn.siemens.de/~roland
Received on Mon Nov 23 1998 - 07:53:03 MST

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