Re: Decurity concern: cachemgr & GET method ?

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 00:42:14 +0100

Alex Rousskov wrote:

> Sure. AFAIK, there is no technical problem with that. Some developers are
> against moving Squid closer to an origin server and adding HTML to the
> manager output, that's all.

In this case I am in this category. The authentication security issues
with cachemgr.cgi is easy to solve, and there are benefits in keeping
the Squid interface at a machine parsable level (which rarely is
suitable for human eyes). Lets not forget automated monitoring and
statistics collection.

In my opinion the current cachemgr.cgi is merely a reference
implementation on how to get the information from Squid. A lot of work
is required (and probably more information from Squid as well) to turn
this into something that is really useful.

Henrik Nordstrom
Spare time Squid hacker
Received on Mon Jan 11 1999 - 16:26:51 MST

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