mrtg versus squid (almost there...)

From: Alexandre Almeida Wanderley <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 16:24:56 -0300

        Hi, Glenn and Jeff
        Well, I have mixed both of your sugestions. At all, my squid.conf didn't
have the snmp_incoming/outgoing_address entries (I didn' see it at FAQ) and I
made a mistake: I put the machine name in the mrtg.conf and in the squid.conf
file I create the snmp-acl pointing to "localhost". Now, when I run a test using
snmpwalk this is the answer:

snmpwalk -p 3401 localhost public .
Name: -> INTEGER: 3551232
Name: -> INTEGER: 23968
Name: -> Timeticks: (8570772) 23:48:27
End of requested OID tree.

        See my running squid.conf (just lines about snmp):
        acl management-station src
        snmp_port 3401
        snmp_mib_path /usr/local/services/squid/etc/mib.txt

        snmp_do_queueing on

        snmp_agent_conf view all .1.3.6 included
        snmp_agent_conf view squid .1.3.6 included
        snmp_agent_conf user squid - all all public
        snmp_agent_conf user all all all all squid
        snmp_agent_conf community public squid squid
        snmp_agent_conf community readwrite all all
        snmp_acl public deny all !management-station
        snmp_acl readwrite deny all

        But... (almost always there is a "but"...)
        When I run mrtg I receive the only one following answer:
       [2] ./mrtg mrtg.conf
        Unknown SNMP var cacheServerInKb
        Was this snmp variable excluded from squid mib and don't know...?
        Again, thankyou your attention
        Alexandre Almeida
Received on Fri Jan 15 1999 - 12:08:10 MST

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