I am currently monitoring a Squid/2.1.PATCH2 cache with MRTG 2.5.4c. In the MIB description, the cacheCpuUsage is defined as the " Amount of cpu seconds consumed". The first question is : Does it also include the amount of cpu seconds consumed by the eventual redirector processes ?
If not, is there a easy way to monitor it with mrtg ? This is important for me because few month ago, i posted a mail in this mailing list to ask the best way to filter out a big list of web-sites (more or less 10.000 until now but it's increasing every month). Some people reply that the list was to big to handle with squid access-list. They were saying : use a redirector program. We decided to use Squirm for the two announced reasons :Very, very fast, Virtually no memory usage !
But when you look at this
squid 81 0.0 26.3 69124 67848 ? S Jan 20 2:05 (squid) -sY
squid 82 0.0 0.1 852 384 ? S Jan 20 0:00 (dnsserver)
squid 87 1.3 6.5 17392 16808 ? R Jan 20 99:10 (squirm)
squid 88 0.5 6.5 17392 16872 ? R Jan 20 44:27 (squirm)
squid 89 0.3 6.5 17392 16872 ? R Jan 20 28:38 (squirm)
squid 90 0.2 6.5 17392 16872 ? R Jan 20 19:54 (squirm)
squid 91 0.1 6.5 17392 16872 ? R Jan 20 9:33 (squirm)
first you can see that squirm takes a large amount of memory and it's also a big cpu time consumer when you compare it to Squid !
We are running a pool of two cache : Pentium PII 450 MHz - 256 Mb - 2 X Adaptec 2940 Ultra-Wide SCSI 4.5 Gb with Linux 2.0.36 and filedescriptor patch.
Each week we have 25 new client (we are connecting 600 schools to Internet), until now, there is no performance problem but i am really worried for the future. I don't want the multiplication of the machine just due to cpu limitation, it's not cheap to duplicate the hardaware and it's harder to maintain !
Does someone know an alternate solution to squirm ?
Thanks and sorry for my poor english,
Ing. Olivier GOSSELET
C.I.R.B. - Cellule T�l�matique
Av. des Arts, 20 Bo�te 10
T�l - 02/282.47.96
EMail - ogosselet@cirb.irisnet.be
U.R.L. - http://www.cirb.irisnet.be/
Received on Mon Jan 25 1999 - 08:53:27 MST
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