Multiple Auto-Proxy Download with IE4.01

From: Federico Giannici <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 15:37:47 +0100


Since we officially launched our proxy server (Squid 2.1 Patch2), we
have noticed a problem with users using Internet Explorer 4.01 Win32
configured with the Automatic Configuration.

Many of then (but not everybody) reload the proxy autoconfiguration file
from the web server almost every time they retrieve a file via the
proxy. Obviously this slow down the navigation!

We were not able to reproduce this behaviour with our PCs, even if we
configured them exactly in the same way of a "buggy" one.

I suspect it's a bug of a particular version of IE4.01.

Anybody ever encountered a similar problem?
Is there a way to fix it?

   |ederico Giannici

        Amministratore unico - NEOMEDIA sas
Received on Fri Jan 29 1999 - 07:36:20 MST

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