Re: Query re: cache_effective_user in Ver 2.0.4

From: Jonathan Larmour <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 21:44:22 +0000

> Pramod Daya wrote:
> I'm trying to start squid (Ver 2.0.4) as root, and it terminates with a
> fatal error "Don't run squid as root, set 'cache_effective_user' - but I
> have set cache_effective_user to squid, and the account does exist. Made
> sure it was using the right config file, using the -f option, just in
> case; am stuck and frustrated, some kind soul please help ?

Are you _sure_ you uncommented the lines in squid.conf, as well as changed
the values? If so, try turning debugging on - since squid is quitting as
soon as it starts, try it by adding -X to squid's command line. Look and see
if there's anything obviously wrong there.


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Received on Mon Feb 08 1999 - 14:35:02 MST

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