Re: cache list for educators

From: Alvin Starr <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 18:46:42 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Mike Wohlgemuth wrote:

> Hi,
> I work for a High School and am thinking of running a Squid Proxy Server
> on a RedHat 5.2 machine. The question I have is this ....
> Do I have to personally generate the list that tells Squid what to block
> or is their some general educational config file that someone has
> developed and I can use (addto , improve , ruin ....??)????

We have a Board of education that has crafted a blocking list. The problem
is that the person who keept track of the sites is no longer at the board.

The folks at one of the services like net-nanny sells there blocking
list. The only problem is that the list costs US$60K plus update costs.
What may make sense is for a group of squid users to get together and
licence the software and share the costs.

Alvin Starr || voice: (416)585-9971
Interlink Connectivity || fax: (416)585-9974 ||
Received on Mon Feb 08 1999 - 15:00:23 MST

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