Re: Client IP obtainable when using squid

From: Michael Fuhr <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 17:48:42 -0700

On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 12:07:00PM -0700, Rodney Holm wrote:

> The following scenario is using Linux as a NAT box.
> Is there anyway to make the client IP invisible when it is using a proxy?
> Using NAT alone, the client IP is invisible. When using
> the client through a proxy (squid) on the NAT box, the client IP address can
> be retrieved. ie use the following URL.

This program is probably grabbing the client's IP address from the
X-Forwarded-For header. Look for the "forwarded_for" directive
in squid.conf.

Michael Fuhr
Received on Mon Feb 08 1999 - 17:40:13 MST

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