(Newbie?) Squid continues loading

From: Xuan Baldauf <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 01:20:34 +0100


I'm relatively new to squid, but while using it I discovered that squid
continues loading a page even when no user is trying to access it. This
may be desireable in some cases, but for some web based, streaming chat
servers, it is not. Those chat servers do not send a "Pragma: no-cache"
or similar tags to give the user the opportunity to save their chat log
(if there was a "Pragma: no-cache", the browser would try to reconnect
to the chat server instead of saving from the local cache). But if a
given proxy server (squid) continues to keep the TCP connection up even
when there is no client connection, the chat server assumes the user to
be still logged in, which is certainly wrong for this case.

Is there any Response Header Field to make squid not try to load the
full entity? Are there any other ways on the HTTP level to solve this

Thank you in advance,

Xu�n Baldauf.

Xu�n Baldauf
Fliederweg 19
04827 Gerichshain bei Leipzig
Tel: 0(049)172/3528788
Fax: 0(049)34292/75392
Site: http://www.medium.net/
e-Mail: baldauf@medium.net
Received on Wed Feb 10 1999 - 17:03:05 MST

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