Re: [squid-users] Re: Squid Memory Usage

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 01:04:57 +0100

Chris Tilbury wrote:

> But do you need the filesystem buffers because the OS demands them --
> if you don't have enough memory, it eats into squid's address space
> causing paging -- or do you need the filesystem buffers because
> squid actually benefits from them?


> More to the point, I got a performance gain by doing this, because it
> meant I could increase cache_mem (from 16 to 48Mbytes). I trust
> squid far more to know what objects are "hot" than I trust the
> operating system.

squid-2 doesn't really use cache_mem as a hot cache. It is only used for
objects received from the network. All hits which hasn't recently
(cache_mem LRU) been fetched from the network is always sent from disk.

Henrik Nordstrom
Spare time Squid hacker
Received on Wed Feb 10 1999 - 18:25:50 MST

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