Re: Problems with Ftp

From: Jonathan Larmour <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 16:52:11 +0000

David J Woolley wrote:
> > also there is the problem of using other ftp programs (like ws_ftp pro and
> > cute ftp) i can not get by the Squid server.
> Squid is an ftp to http gateway, not an ftp proxy. You should not
> expect non-HTTP clients to work through it. If you require this, you
> must permit the ftp ports through your firewall, which may require
> special intelligent firewall modules, if you are doing address
> translation.

I believe ws_ftp supports the type of firewall proxying supported by ftp-gw
from the TIS fwtk toolkit. Look at the FAQ in


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Received on Wed Feb 17 1999 - 09:57:58 MST

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