ftp through squid

From: David Mzyk <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 08:30:09 +0100 (CET)

have a slow link and so have to use delay-pools, they are realy OK.
we have this:

        world <-> firewall <-> squid <-> intranet

using automatic proxy.pac set in netscape ,etc. users must go through
squid only and are delayed , but ftp traffic (i mean other than comes from
browsers [ftpd,cuteftp ....]) goes directly through firewall out and this
does the biggest load :(

Will help simple redirect (ipfwadm) traffic from port 21 to 3128? and
if so must be proxy be transparent?

Or will be easier shaper on firewall only for port 21?

| Tak to byl Zajac |
| |
| alias David Mzyk , & ... etc. |
| |
| ICQ #11703805 - inactif |
| http://www.opf.slu.cz/~zajac |
| p.s.: sorri za ten cestin oder anglictinka |
Received on Wed Feb 24 1999 - 00:21:30 MST

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