Q: How can I 'reset' the username/password cache of the ncsa authenticator?

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 09:46:23 +0100


Is there any possibility to reset the username/password cache of the ncsa
authenticator apart from killing and restarting squid and/or ncsa_auth.

Our Squid proxy is set up with ncsa authentication. We will write a
programm that changes our ncsa user/passwordfile depending on a userprofile
stored in a separate file. This file stores information when an user is
allowed to use the cache.
We just put a # in front of the username to disable him. This programm is
run by cron several times a day.
(we try to implemet this because, as far is I know, ncsa usernames can't be
used in Squid acl's in the squid.conf file)

If the user has connected to the proxy before our programm runs, he can
stay connected, although he is not allowed anymore. So far I didn't find a
solution to force a reauthentication after a change to the ncsa
passwordfile. Also the tags client_lifetime (seems to be for crashed
clients only) and authenticate_ttl in squid.conf did not work for me.

Simple example:
userprofile file
#UID, weekend, afterwork;
MuellerK, n, n;
BeckerH, y, y;

If our programm runs on a saturday it will modify the ncsa passwordfile as


-> User MuellerK can't connect to the proxy anymore.

I would highly appreciate your help.

Best regards
Received on Wed May 12 1999 - 02:07:25 MDT

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