Forging Last-Modified and Expiry times for FTP?

From: Michael Dean <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 10:48:08 +1000 (EST)

hi there

we have a squid proxy behind our Gauntlet firewall. When an FTP request is
made the firewall s/w doesn't give any information back to squid other
than the names of the files when a directory listing is made and when a
file is downloaded only the file is returned. ie. no size information, no
modification time is available. Which basically means that squid will not
cache *any* FTP requests.

a typical store.log entry looks like ..

926555516.125 RELEASE FFFFFFFF 200 -1 -1 -1 application/octet-stream
      -1/294494 GET

Is there some way to tell squid to cache FTP requests even when the
'date', 'lastmod', 'expires' and the 'expect-len' values aren't known??

I've tried hacking the http-gw source code but I'm not entirely sure just
what headers I need to return to get it to work...

I've tried accessing local FTP sites thru squid, which cache just fine.

924854457.776 SWAPOUT 0000CD59 200 924854446 -1 -2 application/octet-stream
      -1/2653184 GET ftp://localsite/test.exe

hopefully some bright spark out there has an idea for me.


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                    yes I *am* using pine-4.10
Received on Wed May 12 1999 - 18:26:26 MDT

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