Re: Squid with NT

From: Miguel Bazzano <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 15:19:38 -0300

-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Nordstrom <>
To: Miguel Bazzano <>
Cc: ""
Date: Miircoles 12 de Mayo de 1999 21:44
Subject: Re: Squid with NT

>(and as Dancer noted, breaks a number of things on
>the way. A Squid compiled with --enable-carp is uncapable of handling
>any other kind of peerings).

I am seriously concerned about this statement, because I don't want to loose
the ability to have child SQUID caches.
 I have at the moment several NT Boxes conected to my main parent SQUID
cache, but we also have a couple of SQUID boxes conected to this parent, I
can see that they are making ICP querys and that they are receiving the
correct responses from my SQUID parent with CARP enabled.
In what why is a SQUID compiled with --enable-carp uncapable of handling any
other kind of peering?

Miguel Bazzano
Received on Fri May 14 1999 - 12:35:49 MDT

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