information from sibling

From: Milda Mimiene <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 14:50:55 +0200 (MET DST)

Hello squid guru,

This time question will be non "religious" (as about Linux and FreeBSD) :-)
My cache server has some child caches and one sibling. In my squid.conf I

cache_peer sibling 3128 3130 proxy-only
cache_peer_domain ! !.lt

Are there enough these two lines or I must to work with options
allways-direct and never-direct in squid.conf?

I would like to know how much information my cache server founds in his
sibling peer cache. I've look through all cache manager menu (maybe I
passed something), but I found only this:
Sibling :
Flags : proxy-only
Address[0] :
Status : Up
AVG RTT : 81 msec
LAST QUERY : 0 seconds ago
LAST REPLY : 0 seconds ago
PINGS SENT : 191856
PINGS ACKED: 188681 98%
FETCHES : 9721 5%
IGNORED : 2813 1%
Histogram of PINGS ACKED:
         ICP_HIT : 9806 5%
        ICP_MISS : 176857 94%
      ICP_DENIED : 2018 1%
keep-alive ratio: 99%

Is it mean that only 5% of requested information were found in sibling's
cache. For daily statistics I use cache-stats scripts, for weekly -
pwebstat package. How to know is relations with sibling is worthy?

With regards,

Milda Mimiene
Kaunas University of technology
Received on Wed May 19 1999 - 07:05:09 MDT

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