Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> Dmitry E. Kiselyov wrote:
> > commBind: Cannot bind socket FD �� to ���.���.���.���:0: (22) Invalid argument
> This message should only be seen when tcp_outgoing_address is set to an
> address not existing on the machine, or your OS as a odd idea of socket
> address binding..
This is very strange since tcp_outgoing_address is set to an IP address
of the machine on which Squid runs. And I never got such messages with
Best regards,
-- Dmitry E. Kiselyov Nizhny Novgorod City Health Emergency Station E-mail: dima@gssmp.sci-nnov.ru ICQ: 2010591Received on Mon May 24 1999 - 00:10:25 MDT
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