From: Aqeel <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 11:27:09 +0500
I am using squid 2.2 with Redhat linux 5.1.
when I started ./RunCache&,. after six squid -sY....... lines, its giving massage aborting due to frequent faluire. Whats the reason for I.When I am checking cache.log file, Its only showiwng starting squid ....................... line with out error.

When I try to configure squid through Cache Manager,
I receive the error:

Protocol Error
Only HTTP, FTP and SSL are currently supported

How I can solve this problem.My Parent Caches are on Wingate of  NT.
  Received on Mon May 31 1999 - 00:11:35 MDT

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