cisco 2501 problem

From: Carlos Diaz <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 12:22:28 -0500

Hi list I'm new on linux so please don't kick me.

I'm trying to set up my cisco router to do transparent proxy. I'm using the
serial 0 to connect to my ISP and ethernet 0 for my lan. This is the
configuration that i have in my rourter where *.*.*.* is the ip of my linux

route-map proxy-redirect permit 10
match ip address 110
set ip next-hop *.*.*.*
access-list 110 deny tcp any any neq www
access-list 110 deny tcp host *.*.*.*any
access-list 110 permit tcp any any
interface Ethernet0
ip policy route-map proxy-redirect

*********And this is the configuration in my squid.conf***********

#squid.conf - a very basic config file for squid

#Turn logging to it's lowest level
debug_options ALL,1

#defines a group (or Access Control List) that includes all IP
acl all src

#allow all sites to use connect to us via HTTP
http_access allow all

#allow all sites to use us as a sibling
icp_access allow all

#test the following sites to check that we are connected

#run as the squid user
#cache_effective_user squid squid
#otherwise, you can uncomment the below line and comment the one out.
# this will run as use "nobody" with the group "nogrtoup"
cache_effective_user nobody nogroup

http_port 8080
httpd_accel_host virtual
httpd_accel_port 80
httpd_accel_with_proxy on

But i can't see the outside world with this configuration. Please help me on
this one.

Received on Thu Jun 03 1999 - 10:18:50 MDT

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