Several squid-(configuration?)-troubles ..

From: Martin Schipany <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 19:09:27 +0200

hi out there!

i recently upgraded to squid 2.2stable3, due to some problems with
older versions. but one problem persisted, and one new occured. i'm
running linux 2.2(.6) currently.

*) squid[19545]: comm_poll_incoming: NULL write handler
   this message shows up in syslog rather often. i was not able to
   find out a reason for this. i had this with previous
   squid-2.2-versions, too.

*) squid[19545]: temporary disabling (Internal Server Error) digest
   the requested squid was (like mine) configured with
   --enable-cache-digests but why is there an "internal error" with
   the digest? (i did have digests activated in previous

i hope that these are rather simple problems - if they are rtfm,
please tell me which fm to look up, because i already searched most of
it (at least i think so).

i also installed squid to another server, the parent to the above one,
and none of the messages does show up there, everythings fine, stable,
fast ....

thanks in advance


*                                                                   *
*  Martin Schipany        email:                 *
*                         phone & fax: (+43) 1 - 810 27 67          *  
*                         mobil: (+43) 676 - 304 88 34              *  
*                         IRC  : ElCondor on channel #diddl         *
*                                                                   *
                 Close Windows - Open Source
Received on Sun Jun 06 1999 - 10:54:50 MDT

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