Secondary DNS

From: Rob Merkwitza <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 12:21:46 +0930


I am running squid 2.1.RELEASE on a Sun Ultra 5 and everything is running
sweet except for: If my Primary DNS goes down or fails squid does not seem
to be able to resolve hostnames via my secondary DNS. I definitley have
both the Primary and Secondary DNS in my resolv.conf and I have even tried
entering them specifically into the squid.conf but still no resolving. Has
anyone ever come accross this or am I missing something silly.


Rob Merkwitza
Technical Manager
Octa4 Pty Ltd
Darwin, Australia
Phone +61 8 8941 0699
Fax +61 8 8941 0833

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Received on Tue Jun 08 1999 - 20:42:48 MDT

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