[Q] about acl ban list in squid.conf

From: klan <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:41:20 +0900

I have set some acl ban lists in squid.conf with a few text files.


#Cliff's acl list
acl notban_url_regex url_regex "/home/cliff/squid21P2/etc/notporn.txt"
acl ban_url_regex url_regex "/home/cliff/squid21P2/etc/ban_url_regex.txt"
acl ban_dst dst "/home/cliff/squid21P2/etc/ban_dst.txt"
acl ban_src src "/home/cliff/squid21P2/etc/ban_src.txt"

#Cliff's http_access
http_access allow notban_url_regex
http_access deny ban_url_regex
http_access deny ban_dst
http_access deny ban_src

I think Squid read all acl list in memory during starting squid.

If these text files contents are very big, how can squid read all

in memory? how many lists can squid manage?

I 'd like to ban about 30000 urls with this method.

Is this possible?

and where can I get porn sites urls?
Received on Mon Jun 14 1999 - 22:29:35 MDT

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