Squid2.2.STABLE on Linux Alpha problem

From: Flavio Pescuma <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 10:11:13 +0200


I have the know memory problem, squid process keeps growing and growing,
after some hours of heavy load (65-70 requests/sec) the process takes
520Mb so the machine starts swapping and the performance decreases.
I've changed the malloc to GNU but the problem persists, I've also tried
the configure parameter memory_pools off, but didn't help. Any other


cache_mem 268435456 bytes
cache_swap_low 90
cache_swap_high 95
maximum_object_size 4194304 bytes
ipcache_size 1024
ipcache_low 90
ipcache_high 95
fqdncache_size 1024
cache_dir /squid1 8000 32 256
cache_dir /squid2 8000 32 256

I'm running Squid 2.2.STABLE on a Alpha DS20 (2 500MHz CPU, 512Mb RAM)
with Linux kernel 2.2.9



WIRE - Web & Internet Resources at Ericsson
Flavio Pescuma           phone: +46 (0)8 7263359
L M Ericsson Data AB     fax:   +46 (0)8 7217207
125 82 Stockholm Sweden  http://eriweb.ericsson.se
Received on Tue Jun 15 1999 - 02:30:25 MDT

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