Re: Dumb question alert! Starting SQUID manually.

From: Karl Schaffarczyk <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 99 13:09:56 +1000

try the command you have been using, followed by &

/usr/local/squid/bin/squid &


>I still have problems with Squid blocking everything when I change my ACL
>rules, will upgrade soon and worry about that then. But to fix things I
>need to
>stop and then restart squid (I normally work through a web interface called
>WEBMIN, but when the problem emerged Squid won't let me have any
>pages). I can kill SQUID with kill pid, and restart it from a prompt, but it
>remains as a foreground? application, ie I don't get my prompt back. How do
>I start it and make it run in the background? The system was setup for me
>and I can't even find where in the bootup sequence that Squid is being
>started to copy the command from there. There are no MAN pages for Squid
>and I couldn't see this in the FAQ.
>Thanks for the tolerance,
>Simon Bryan
>Information Technology Manager
>OLMC Parramatta

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Received on Thu Jun 17 1999 - 20:54:14 MDT

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