Re: Redirector rewrite rules and Jesred

From: Ashley Drees <[email protected]>
Date: 20 Jun 1999 22:50:52 GMT

Henrik Nordstrom <> wrote:
: Ashley Drees wrote:

:> When I do not use the squid accelerator the virtual hosts work, when I use the
:> accelerator i only get the default page on the virtual host server... I have
:> only tried this running against the apache server to date.

: To accelerate virtual domains two things are required:

: 1. httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
: 2. Unique backend domainnames for each accelerated domain.

I think I have what is called for here..

: My recommendation is to have the real addresses of the servers in the
: local host table instead of using a redirector to redirect the requests
: to the backend servers.

I am not able to mess with the basic config of the machine, and it does
not use the hosts file at all...

: If you'd like to be able to accelerate multiple real domains (not
: relying on the Host header) then you need to configure the accelerator
: with one IP address for each real domain, and use a redirector to
: rewrite from this accelerator IP address to the real domain name. Note
: that the relationship between the accelerators real domains and the
: backend servers read/virtual domains does not need to be a 1-1
: relationship (the accelerator may turn virtual domains into real domains
: or the rewerse, all depending on your configuration).

Let me explain my setup.. I have two servers at the end of a lease line... these
machines are eating our bandwidth as we have a solaris machine at the other end
just doing radius auth, we thought we could reduce the load on the line..

On the web server machines inside our LAN there are
several virtual hosts (on each machine) .. the plan was to accelerate all the
virtual servers with squid on the external machine... currently all the
virtual servers work well, I just cannot get squid to work with even the
ones on the apache machine... well I seem to have one working but cannot
understand why it is just that one.

I guess I was looking for confirmation about the redirector regex files
and any help with config... I cannot really mess around with the system
at the internet end of things.. but can mess with the internal servers.

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Received on Sun Jun 20 1999 - 16:35:52 MDT

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