Trasparent proxy + regular cache mode

From: Joao Assad <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 10:24:49 +0000


Is there a way to run squid in httpd-accel mode and regular cache mode
at the same time ?
i.e. listening to two different ports


 _____        _   _       _  _   _
|  __ \  ___ | \_/ | ___ (_)| \ | | Jo�o Assad
| |  \ |/ _ \|  _  |/ _ \| ||  \| | Depto de Opera��es
| |__/ | <_> | | | | <_| | || |\  | ------------------------
|_____/ \___/|_| |_|\__,_|_||_| \_|
Received on Mon Jun 21 1999 - 07:19:08 MDT

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