Re: Fw: MEM in squid.conf

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 23:05:10 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Camilo Telles wrote:

> I have a squid box running Linux 2.2.9 and Squid2.2STABLE3, with 256 Mb RAM,
> running in transparent proxy mode.
> I have put the 8MB in the MEM in the squid.conf.
> I can have up to 550 conections to this machine.
> But right now I have only 15 conections,
> My squid is using 229 MB of RAM and grows up, I think we have a leak of
> memory here. How can I diagnostic it? What is the best configuration for my
> work?
> Ops, right now is using 243 MB and 59 MB of swap. I'll turn off.

I've been seeing exactly the same thing with 2.2.S2 and 2.2.S3 on Linux
2.2.x. There were some memory leak patches just put up over the weekend,
but they don't appear to have fixed the leak affecting my cache. It's
kind of too soon to be sure though.

----don't waste your cpu, crack team enzo---
 Jon Lewis **| Spammers will be winnuked or
 System Administrator | nestea'd...whatever it takes
 Atlantic Net | to get the job done.
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Received on Mon Jun 21 1999 - 20:50:26 MDT

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