From: Lawrence R. Mulder <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 21:45:42 -0400


I do the very thing you are talking about. In squid.conf you can define an
html web page in conjunction with an ACL that will be displayed when your
ACL denies a request. For example in the squid.conf:

acl porn_sites dst_domain "/usr/local/squid/etc/porn-sites.txt"

http_access deny porn_sites

deny_info webpage.html porn_sites

This holding true where webpage.html is a webpage in your squid etc/errors
directory, porn_sites is the name of the ACL you created, and porn-sites.txt
is the filename of the sites you block. All three of these tags are
described in some more detail into your default squid.conf file.

I personally have different error pages that come up for all kinds of things
including, "locked up" specific IP addresses, IP addresses not registered in
our DNS, people trying to surf porn, people trying to chat or do other non
work relating things determined by our local policy, etc...

I hope this helps...You might also want to look into the err_html_text tag
in your squid.conf file.

Lawrence Mulder
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Joel Taqueban []
  Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 1999 7:53 AM
  Subject: a different ERR_ACCESS_DENIED

  I was able to define deny access web access at a certain times of the day
some web sites, specifically porn sites.
  My ERR_ACCESS_DENIED message is:


  The requested URL could not be retrieved

  While trying to retrieve the URL:

  The following error was encountered:

       Access Denied.

       Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed
at this time.
       Internet access is available only on the following hours:

                         from to

           Sunday 0000 hrs 0300 hrs
                        1700 2359
           Monday 0000 2100
           Tuesday 0600 2100
           Wednesday 0600 2100
           Friday 0600 2359
           Saturday 0000 2359

  However, I want to have a different ERR_ACCESS_DENIED message for porn
sites that I wish to disallow. How do I configure a different error
message squid such that it looks for example into my listed (denied) access
control list ( or and returns an error message stating
those porn sites are not allowed?

  Sample error I wish to have for disallowing those porn sites is:


  The requested URL could not be retrieved

  While trying to retrieve the URL:

  The following error was encountered:

       Access Denied.

       Access control configuration prevents your request from accessing
porn sites.

  Awaiting someone's reply,

Received on Wed Jun 30 1999 - 19:36:27 MDT

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