Rev-FQDN patch suggestion for

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 15:02:18 +0100

I've patched my local copy of the script to reverse the
display of the client FQDN's. It seemed strange to me that the Client Summary
tables gave the client name in reverse FQDN order, i.e:

     client name ==

showed up in the stats pages as:

     client name ==

and so on.

Additionally, the Client Utilization Table truncated the client name at 23
characters, even though
much more space generally existed on screen. I've upped this to 40 characters
truncation limit,
but no doubt others will be able to correct my poorly HTML fix and work how to
allow an "unlimited"
width. The diff for the change is as below.

These are relative to an elderly cache-state-1.4.tar.gz source tree. A quick
scan of the Squid site
suggests these "problems" still exist in the current version.

Any comments folks?

Ted Rule,
Flextech Television

# diff -u
--- Thu Jul 1 14:03:22 1999
+++ Thu Jul 1 14:03:22 1999
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
        &table_table('Protocol', 'SUMMARY OF PROTOCOL USAGE', \%PR,
        &table_table('Client', 'SUMMARY OF CLIENT USAGE', \%CL,
- \&clsort,\&rev_fqdn,$TopN,0,0,0);
+ \&clsort,\&fqdn,$TopN,0,0,0);
        &table_table('Server', 'SUMMARY OF SERVER USAGE', \%SE,
        &table_table('Type', 'SUMMARY OF URL TYPES', \%TY,
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@

        &utilization_table('Client', 'CLIENT UTILIZATION', \%CL,
- undef,\&rev_fqdn,undef);
+ undef,\&fqdn,undef);

        &list_top('URL', "TOP $TopN HTTP Requests", \%UR,
                \&aksort, undef, $TopN, 'ALLTCP');
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
        print "<a href=\"#00\">Goto Top</a>\n";
        print "<p>\n<hr>\n<p>\n";
        &table_table('Client', '3. Summary of Client Usage', \%CL,
- \&clsort,\&rev_fqdn,$TopN,0,0,0);
+ \&clsort,\&fqdn,$TopN,0,0,0);
        print "<a name=\"04\">\n";
        print "<a href=\"#00\">Goto Top</a>\n";
        print "<p>\n<hr>\n<p>\n";
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
        print "<a href=\"#00\">Goto Top</a>\n";
        print "<p>\n<hr>\n<p>\n";
        &utilization_table('Client', '7. Client Utilization', \%CL,
- undef,\&rev_fqdn,undef);
+ undef,\&fqdn,undef);
        print "<a name=\"08\">\n";
        print "<a href=\"#00\">Goto Top</a>\n";
        print "<p>\n<hr>\n<p>\n";
@@ -503,12 +503,12 @@
                $TR = "<tr>";
        } else {
                print "\n", &center($title), "\n\n";
- printf "%-23.23s %7s + %14s = %s\n",
+ printf "%-40.40s %7s + %14s = %s\n",
                        'HTTP:ICP Ratio',
- printf "%-23.23s %7s %14s %s\n", '-'x23,'-'x6,'-'x14,'-'x11;
+ printf "%-40.40s %7s %14s %s\n", '-'x40,'-'x6,'-'x14,'-'x11;

        @CLIENTS = keys %{$hash};
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@
                $RATIO{$C} = $ratio;
        foreach $C (sort {$UTIL{$b} <=> $UTIL{$a}} @CLIENTS) {
- printf "$TR\n$TDL%-23.23s $TDR%7.2f + $TDR%14.2f = $TDR%11.2f\n"
+ printf "$TR\n$TDL%-40.40s $TDR%7.2f + $TDR%14.2f = $TDR%11.2f\n"

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Received on Thu Jul 01 1999 - 07:59:37 MDT

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