Squiddy question: No space left on device

From: Sid Baldwin <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 1999 11:28:22 +0100

My squid.conf contains the line:
cache_dir /SQUIDcacheG 1100 32 256

which, if my maths is correct, means that the maximum cache size should
be 1126400k

Given that my log partition is 1231254k:
Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s6 1231254 915573 254119 79% /SQUIDcacheG

Then I reckon that the disk should not get more than 91% full. So how
come I get:?

1999/07/03 13:55:02| diskHandleWrite: FD 44: disk write error: (28) No
space left on device
1999/07/03 13:55:02| storeSwapOutHandle: SwapOut failure (err code =
1999/07/03 13:55:02| WARNING: Shrinking cache_dir #6 to 963447 KB

Jul 3 13:55:02 newportal unix: NOTICE: alloc: /SQUIDcacheG: file system

The swap.state file on that partition is only about 4mB.

Sid Baldwin
 Web Services Administrator
 University of the West of England
 0117 9656261 ext. 2345
Email: Webadmin@uwe.ac.uk
  URL: http://www.uwe.ac.uk/its/webadmin/
Received on Mon Jul 05 1999 - 04:28:40 MDT

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