starting stopping squid 2.2S3

From: Richard van Drimmelen <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 11:53:12 +0200


Installing Squid 2.2STABLE3 on a Linux 2.2.x machine.

I start squid in daemon mode: squid -sY
Using the proxy server to connect to various sites works fine.

Try to stop squid:
squid -k shutdown
squid -k interrupt
squid -k kill

All three give me the same error:
squid: ERROR: No running copy

(also the same message from all other "squid -k option" commands)

What I understood from emails from Hendrik is that the Runcache is no
longer needed.
What is the correct way to shutdown the proxy server from a script (in
my case from init.d) ?

Another question.
Using the client program:

./client > test
client: ERROR: Cannot connect to localhost:3128: Connection refused

The client program doens't work, but I'm able to use the proxy server
using my favorite browser !!!!

Thanks for yout answers

Richard van Drimmelen                       | email:
System Management Research                  | phone: +31 20 5121899
The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam | fax:   +31 20 5121893
Received on Tue Jul 06 1999 - 03:58:19 MDT

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