Re: multi ethernet cards for a squid cache

From: Radu Greab <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 14:11:58 +0300 (EEST)

We run a patched squid to solve a similar problem: we have two
incoming links from two different providers, thus using different IP
addresses with static routing. To enable squid to fetch pages through
the both links we patched it so that it will bind to a specific
outgoing IP address when making the request. The redirectors we are
running, beside providing the usual redirector functions, watch the
traffic on the two incoming links through SNMP, decide which is less
loaded and choose the outgoing IP address telling squid to use it for
the next requests. So the communication protocol between squid and
redirectors was extended to allow the redirectors to tell squid to
which IP address to bind when making an external request. (We tried
the more logical setup with one fat squid and two thin parents each
using a specific tcp_outgoing_address IP address but it performed very
bad because a lot of sites don't respond to ICMP ping requests).

I will put the patch and the interesting parts of our redirector
online if there is interest.

Radu Greab

Jonathan Hall writes:
> On Tue, 6 Jul 1999 wrote:
> > On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Rob Harris wrote:
> >
> > > Has anyone figured out how to make squid use more than one ethernet card
> > > to retrieve objects into it's cache?
> >
> > This isn't a squid issue. It's a matter of convincing your system to use
> > both ethernet cards. Squid doesn't have anything to do with how packets
> > get routed.
> It can. Some proxy software packages (nntpcache, for instance) allows the
> admin to specify which network device requests are sent to. Makes for
> nice load balancing. In the case of nntpcache, you can tell it to get all
> alt.* groups over eth0 and all comp.* and misc.* groups from eth1, but
> still from the same news host.
> Although I don't believe squid has that functionality, it's not beyond the
> realm of possibility for that sort of system to exist.
> > > I have a unix box (linux rh6) running squid (latest) with a multiport
> > > ethernet card (10mb) behind a switch and a router tied to a T3. I would
> > > like squid to round robin/load balance the traffic amongst the 4 ports on
> > > the multiethernet card if possible as I have an obscene amount of traffic
> > > that I pass through this box.
> > >
> > > Any thoughts would be most helpful.
> >
> > A 100mbit fast ethernet card running full duplex into a switch is a much
> > better/simpler/cheaper/faster (pick all four) solution. Surely if the
> > router has a T3, it has a better than >10mbit connection to your network.
> >
> > This is kind of scarey coming from skycache.
> >
> > ----don't waste your cpu, crack team enzo---
> > Jon Lewis **| Spammers will be winnuked or
> > System Administrator | nestea'd...whatever it takes
> > Atlantic Net | to get the job done.
> > _________ for PGP public key__________
> >
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> Jonathan Hall * * PGP public key available
> Systems Admin, Future Internet Services; Goessel, KS * (316) 367-2487
> * PGP Key ID: FE 00 FD 51
> -= Running Debian GNU/Linux 2.0, kernel 2.0.36 =-
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Received on Wed Jul 07 1999 - 05:32:12 MDT

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