Re: FTP proxy icons

From: David J N Begley <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 08:33:27 +1000 (EST)

On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Dancer wrote:

> > On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, Jens-S. Voeckler wrote:
> >
> > > Don't worry, any squid-2 along the request path will return
> > > /squid-internal-static/ objects - even if it is not the host mentioned in
> > > the URL.
> >
> > Which reminds me - is this true only for objects that the proxy recognises
> > (such as "anthony-unknown.gif" or similar), or for all objects?
> You _can_ list objects of your own in your squid's mime.conf file (and
> copy them into the icons directory), but they still have to be
> referenced with a url that looks like
> http://something/squid-internal-static/

Yes.. but let's say this URL (referring to an internal static icon that will
appear in an error page rather than an FTP-generated page) comes from proxyA.

proxyB (a peer of proxyA) and proxyC (a child of proxyA) will see the
"squid-internal-static" and want to return icons from its own set (as Jens-S
indicated above).

What happens when one of these "squid-internal-static" icon URLs (ie., the
error page ones not the FTP page ones) from proxyA hits either proxyB or
proxyC - will proxyB and proxyC still try to rewrite the URL to point to
themselves (resulting in a broken image, file not found) or will they leave
the URL alone, resulting (ultimately) in a request to the original proxy
(proxyA) to get the icons?

> > Sorry if this sounds convoluted.. fighting the 'flu (and losing).
> I fought it for two weeks and lost. Home now, and quite ill.

I have the Queensland "Sunshine" (bwah!) Coast to blame for mine. ;-)

Received on Wed Jul 07 1999 - 16:10:38 MDT

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