Proxy auth problem...

From: ppoignant <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 17:34:26 +0200

Hello all,

I have a problem with upgrading from squid 2.0 patch2 to squid2.2
stable2. I have 2 different types of access for users. One with
authorized DNS names and the other use an authentication with passwd.

With version squid 2.0 patch2 this configuration works well but with
squid2.2 stable2 the passwd authentifcation does not work. In fact, if
an http request comes from a pc which is "unknown", squid confrontes
you to login /passwd (that's ok!) but refuse good logins / passwds.

In access.log: 931795507.867 my_machine_IP TCP_DENIED/403 970 GET
dest_url my_user HOME/ - -

My squid.confs are the quite the same for the two versions. Every
programs have been recompiled on the same server AIX 4.1.5... Any idea
would be welcome.

Received on Mon Jul 12 1999 - 09:32:35 MDT

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