Squid & IpMasq on same Linux 2.2 - possible?

From: Ashe Coutts <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 11:04:36 -0700

I'm using RedHat 6.0 with kernel 2.2.10 and two 3Com 3C905
NICs. I am using dhcpd on eth1 to feed 172.16.1.x IP #s to dhcp
clients on the lan. I am also using squid on the eth0 interface
( to cache httpd for the lan and would like to allow
the eth1 (172.16.1.x) users similar access to squid. The following simple script
allows masquerading thru the linux cpu for the 172.16.1.x users:
========== start script ==================
ifconfig eth1 netmask broadcast up
/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp
ipchains -F
ipchains -A forward -s -d -j
### Set IP forwarding on
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
============ end script ====================

Finally, the QUESTION: Is it possible to have the 172.16.1.x users
make use of the squid proxy on eth0 ( If so
would someone please suggest the ipchains commands that would
allow such use/access. Thanks in advance, Ashe Coutts

"I was gratified to be able to answer promptly,
and I did. I said I didn't know." - Mark Twain

Ashe Coutts (ashe@sbceo.k12.ca.us)
805.963-4338 Ext 300
Fax 805.884.1557
Received on Thu Jul 15 1999 - 11:53:30 MDT

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