Need help to do transparent proxying

From: Danny Sinang <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 07:16:26 +0800


I hope someone here could help me implement transparent proxying. Here is my
setup :

Cisco 2501 w/ IOS version 11.2 (15a) P
Squid 2.1 Patch 2 (running on RedHat Linux 5.2 PC)

The IP address of this Linux box is

On my Cisco 2501, I have issued the following commands :

        route-map proxy-redirect permit 10
          match ip address 110
         set ip next-hop

        access-list 110 deny tcp any any neq www
        access-list 110 deny tcp host any
        access-list 110 permit tcp any any

        int e0
         ip policy route-map proxy-redirect

I've configured Squid as follows :

     http_port 3128 80
     httpd_accel_server virtual
     httpd_accel_port 8080
     httpd_accel_with_proxy on
     httpd_accel_uses_host_header on


It doesn't work. When I use Squid directly from my browser, I can surf. But
when I uncheck "Use Proxy Server" in my browser, I can't surf.


1. Do I need to run ipfwadm ?
2. Do I need to recompile my kernel ?
3. What else do I need to do ?

- Danny Sinang
Received on Fri Jul 16 1999 - 16:46:30 MDT

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