Re: problems rotating logs

From: Alex Rousskov <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 14:50:47 -0600

On Sun, 18 Jul 1999, [iso-8859-1] Gagliardi Sebasti�n wrote:

> When I start Linux manually, using RunCache or squid -sY the
> rotation works fine (using squid -k rotate), but when I configure
> squid to start automaticaly when Linux boot (using a script file
> in the directory init.d) the squid works OK but the rotate don't work.

Probably the user id that Squid starts with is different in these two
cases. Consequently, Squid cannot write its .pid file, "squid -kr" cannot
read .pid file, and/or "squid -kr" does not have permissions to send a
signal to the master process.

Received on Sun Jul 18 1999 - 14:29:53 MDT

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