Re: Disable Realaudio

From: Toni Andjelkovic <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 09:33:12 +0200 wrote on Mon, Jul 19 1999 (13:24:42 +0800):
> I'm having heavy traffic since ppl listen to realaudio on peak time.
> How do I have a quick fix to disable this feature on squid3?

if and only if they're listening to it streamed over HTTP --
set up an 'acl realaudio urlpath_regex \.ra$ \.ram$' and block it,
or combine it with another 'acl peak-hours time 11:00-13:00':
http_access deny realaudio peak-hours


Toni Andjelkovic       |       (TA627-RIPE)      |        |        iT Austria       |
Received on Mon Jul 19 1999 - 01:17:36 MDT

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