Squid and TCP congestion avoidance

From: Philippe Strauss <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 17:18:07 +0200


It comes to my mind, when thinking about DiffServ application
a way to reduce bandwidth used by a particular squid

If we would like to inform dynamically to squid to reduce
the bandwidth used by a socket, we could mark such packet
(at a border router for example) with a specified ToS
(or DS nowadays..) value, and squid could
reduce the window size of this particular socket.

This is an alternative of simply dropping a packet, which, even
with exponential backoff of TCP, is a waste of bandwidth.

There's just two 'little' problems:

Does TCP allow to negogiate the receiving window of an
open socket? (I don't think so)? If yes, is there an API
for doing that?

Does the BSD socket API support any form of
TOS monitoring for the upper application layer?
(TOS at IP (layer 3) -> Squid (layer 7)) so squid
could be notified when packet with a defined TOS value
come in, it will reduce it's receiving window? I doubt
such a thing exist either, but people more
experienced with network programming could


Philippe Strauss, ingenieur reseau/systemes, Urbanet SA
tel +41 21 623 30 20
Received on Mon Jul 19 1999 - 09:00:50 MDT

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