Re: squid 2.2.STABLE4 on IBM AIX 4.3.x

From: Toni Andjelkovic <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 15:20:12 +0200

Christoph Kaegi wrote on Thu, Jul 22 1999 (11:39:42 +0200):
> Ok, I compiled in the dlmalloc code. Squid still dumped core about at
> the same frequency as before.

same thing here.

i forgot to mention that our cache was about 80-90 % full when
squid regularly dumped core. we scraped all cache directories
and created new ones - squid seems to work fine now!
this is really confusing, but it looks like there is a coincidence:
the fuller your cache is, the more often squid is crashing.

can anyone confirm this on AIX?


Toni Andjelkovic       |       (TA627-RIPE)      |        |        iT Austria       |
Received on Thu Jul 22 1999 - 07:13:35 MDT

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