RE: Porn Lists.

From: Tony Miller <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 07:48:24 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 23 Jul 1999, Dave J Woolley wrote:

> > From: Daniel Malmgren []
> >
> > Please, could someone send me a list of porn sites, so I could put them
> > into
> > Squid for blocking.
> >
> The general view, with which I concur is that, if
> you can't afford the time, and can't delegate
> responsbility to your users, you need to *pay* someone,
> or some service, who can, as you will be fighting
> a moving target.

Then let me rephrase the question. "Are there subscription lists,
compatible or easily massagable to be used with squid out there to allow
porn sites to be filtered".

I am willing to pay someone for a constantly maintainable list with the
appropriate exclusion criteria.


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