Re: Porn Lists (Maybe Off Topic)

From: Olivier Tourchon <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 17:33:52 -0700

Hello everyone,

Sorry if I am a little bit 'off topic' but I do not think it is such a good
idea to block access to certain sites.

Why ? Imagine was a porn site
yesterday. It is my web site and I (the Owner) do wanna change it to a
Site About, for example, The influence of Snow on Salmons growing in Norway
(Sure that does exist).

Why will you block access to my site ?

I Think it is an administrator's work to show users what can be useful on
the Internet and what can be useless.

The Internet is a Free Based Communication and Knowledge medium, I'm not
sure it is such a good idea to let machines do human's work... unless you
want Microsoft to block access to *.netscape.* and *.*ix.* in Internet
explorer 6...

Maybe would it be better to let only some free to go where they want and
block some elses with programs like cybernanny or else ....

Was Only my Opinion ...



Ps : Please excuse my english Mistakes... Am just a Frenchy ;-)


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