Re: Porn Lists (Maybe Off Topic)

From: meridian <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 11:07:19 +1000 (EST)

actually its very relevant in Australia at the moment where all isps will
have the legal responsiblity of blocking any objectional material from
users such as X rated porn because of new laws that have just been passed
by a bunch of politicians with very little clue :}


On Sat, 24 Jul 1999, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> Olivier Tourchon wrote:
> > I Think it is an administrator's work to show users what can be useful on
> > the Internet and what can be useless.
> In real life the network managers view of usefulness is quite different
> from the end users point of view, and at many locations a policy must be
> enforced on the users or they will not care.
> > The Internet is a Free Based Communication and Knowledge medium, I'm not
> > sure it is such a good idea to let machines do human's work... unless you
> > want Microsoft to block access to *.netscape.* and *.*ix.* in Internet
> > explorer 6...
> It depends a lot on the context.
> For an ISP this kind of content filtering does not make much sense
> unless the customers ask for it. At an ISP content filtering should be
> seen as a service, not a rule.
> The situation is however very different in a corporate or educational
> site where internet access is primarily seen as a tool and not for
> amusement. At such sites content filtering is one of the ways to educate
> the users on what they are allowed to use the organisations internet
> connection for, and to keep the ignorant abusers away.
> --
> Henrik Nordstrom
> Spare time Squid hacker
Received on Fri Jul 23 1999 - 18:51:54 MDT

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