Problem : SQUID gets slow - HELP

From: Vincent Schultz <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 11:41:17 +0200


I am running squid v2.2 stable 4 on a solaris 2.6 (not patched for the
moment) 128Mo. Since Yesterday, i experience some troubles...a lot of
complaints from clients !
I posted a similar problem to the list : the response was "Not enough
memory" but it a bit different.

I rebuild SQUID with these options :

./configure --prefix=/tools_1/squid2-2-S4 --enable-icmp --enable-snmp
--enable-async-io --enable-delay-pools --enable-err-language=French ...
hoping that async-io would have helped me (?)

Today, i have a ton of this messages in the cache.log :

WARNING: newer swaplog entry for fileno XXXXX

After about 30 mn squid gets *very* slow ...100 bytes/sec (and my phone
ring ;-)), even for a cached page like ! ... the box
gets very slow too.

I could not find where the problem is !
I give you all information i have .. if someone can help ?


Number of client connections : 200 (from LSOF software)


A top :

last pid: 1025; load averages: 0.18, 0.29,
84 processes: 83 sleeping, 1 on cpu
CPU states: 0.0% idle, 5.1% user, 9.4% kernel, 85.4% iowait, 0.0%
Memory: 128M real, 2060K free, 149M swap in use, 594M swap free

  545 squid 21 35 0 142M 96M sleep 11:45 11.39% squid


General Information of Squid :

Connection information for squid:
        Number of clients accessing cache: 288
        Number of HTTP requests received: 14618
        Number of ICP messages received: 0
        Number of ICP messages sent: 0
        Number of queued ICP replies: 0
        Request failure ratio: 0.00%
        HTTP requests per minute: 313.1
        ICP messages per minute: 0.0
        Select loop called: 26376 times, 106.212 ms avg
Cache information for squid:
        Request Hit Ratios: 5min: 12.2%, 60min: 6.7%
        Byte Hit Ratios: 5min: 0.6%, 60min: 0.6%
        Storage Swap size: 53675 KB
        Storage Mem size: 29140 KB
        Storage LRU Expiration Age: 30.00 days
        Mean Object Size: 8.18 KB
        Requests given to unlinkd: 0
Median Service Times (seconds) 5 min 60 min:
        HTTP Requests (All): 10.20961 4.54239
        Cache Misses: 10.77596 5.06039
        Cache Hits: 2.79397 2.13280
        Near Hits: 8.68295 6.28029
        Not-Modified Replies: 2.13280 2.13280
        DNS Lookups: 5.45078 0.77360
        ICP Queries: 0.00000 0.00000
Resource usage for squid:
        UP Time: 2801.451 seconds
        CPU Time: 684.540 seconds
        CPU Usage: 24.44%
        CPU Usage, 5 minute avg: 10.46%
        CPU Usage, 60 minute avg: 24.75%
        Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
        Page faults with physical i/o: 130965
Memory accounted for:
        Total accounted: 110012 KB
File descriptor usage for squid:
        Maximum number of file descriptors: 4096
        Largest file desc currently in use: 393
        Number of file desc currently in use: 364
        Files queued for open: 3
        Available number of file descriptors: 3729
        Reserved number of file descriptors: 100
        Store Disk files open: 27
Internal Data Structures:
        1057459 StoreEntries
          5702 StoreEntries with MemObjects
          5497 Hot Object Cache Items
        904955 Filemap bits set
          6561 on-disk objects
Current squid configuration (a few) :

cache_mem 8388608 bytes
cache_swap_low 90
cache_swap_high 95
maximum_object_size 1073152 bytes
ipcache_size 1024
ipcache_low 90
ipcache_high 95
fqdncache_size 1024

memory_pools off
memory_pools_limit 0 bytes
forwarded_for on
log_icp_queries on
icp_hit_stale off
minimum_direct_hops 4

delay_pools 0
delay_initial_bucket_level 50
incoming_icp_average 6
incoming_http_average 4
min_icp_poll_cnt 8
min_http_poll_cnt 8
max_open_disk_fds 0
offline_mode off
uri_whitespace deny
prefer_direct on
strip_query_terms on


Thank you for give me a hand,

Best regrds,

Received on Wed Jul 28 1999 - 03:40:18 MDT

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