ACL restricting hosts

From: Mark Seuffert (Pirates) <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 09:23:32 +0200

I wanna implement a better restriction to internet. Some of my local hosts
should be blocked, some hosts restricted to specific domains and all other
hosts can do what they want.

My problem is, how can I say that the group 'resctricthosts' can only
access to domains declared in 'restrict'? Below is something I tried, but
I think it will not work because restricthosts are a part of allowhosts?

Should the domains listed in file "domains.blocked" start with a period to
avoid problems with domains like "", "" and I only
wanna block the first domain.

Thx for any help/advice! :)

acl allowhosts src
acl denyhosts src "/etc/squid/hosts.deny"
acl resctricthosts src "/etc/squid/hosts.restrict"
acl restrict dstdomain "/etc/squid/domains.allowed"
acl blockedstuff dstdomain "/etc/squid/domains.blocked"
acl all src
http_access deny denyhosts
http_access deny blockedstuff
http_access allow restricthosts restrict #<- will this work?
http_access allow allowhosts
http_access deny all

File hosts.deny will contain something like "".
File hosts.resctrict will contain something like "".

Mark Seuffert, Pirates Communication,
Received on Thu Jul 29 1999 - 01:15:07 MDT

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