Re: Fwd: RE: help with squid!

From: Lukman Wiryahadi Kusuma <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 1999 09:32:52 +0800

Dear Angel,

Maybe I can help you on the first problem :

You have to look at {squid home}/etc/squid.conf

Please open it and scroll it to part of ACCESS CONTROL (There is the part there)

There is some explanations and examples too at that part. But the most important

1. Specify the name of ACL (ACCESS CONTROL LIST)
2. Give the access to that ACL (Scroll down again, and you will see a part to fill

For example in your case :
1. acl angel
2. http_access allow angel

Notes : is your subnet mask.

That IP should be able to access web after you do : squid -k reconfigure

I hope it will help you.



Angel Vera wrote:

> Yes sorry you were right...i was trying to read the mail again and i couldn't
> get the idea. It was very bad written..!! Sorry about that...
> Problem 1:
> I want the user to access the web.
> Solution:
> Configure squid
> Problem:
> I can not configure it...!
> comments:
> I thought squid was easy to configure it, but i can't configure
> haven't been able to configure it properly. I have been
> reading, and reading and I can't configure it...
> Requirements:
> The user has to be able to browse through the port 80
> Attachments:
> A copy of my configuration...
> Problem 2:
> I use a ppp connection to Internet...I was wondering if there is any
> option to dial automaticly when the user browse any page..?
Received on Fri Jul 30 1999 - 19:19:51 MDT

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