Re: sockify squid

From: Michael Mittelstadt <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 16:58:06 -0500

[Quoth Wong Ching Kuen Frederick]
] has anyone tried sockify squid by the following command?
] runsocks squid -sY >> /usr/local/squid.out 2>&1 &
] seems it doesn't work. i get
] Ambiguous output redirect.
] anyway, what is the meaning of this command?

Aside from the invalid shell syntax that someone else pointed out,
using runsocks doesn't work for running squid 2.x with socks5, at
least in my experience.

Which is not to say it is undoable, I've done it.

Follow the directions at:

What I did:

First run ./configure as normal, then



near the top of main() in src/dnsserver.c, and src/main.c


  #include <socks.h>

to include/config.h

Add '-DSOCKS' to the AC_CFLAGS line in src/Makefile
Add '-lsocks5' to the XTRA_LIBS line in src/Makefile

And that should probably do it.

If you chroot squid, be sure to put libsocks5.conf in the chroot, too.

Michael Mittelstadt - ExecPC (Voyager.Net)    WorkMail:
Sr. Vice President of Network Engineering     PersonalMail:
SnailMail: 2105 S.170th/New Berlin, WI/53151  Voice: 1.800.ExecPC.1
Received on Thu Aug 12 1999 - 15:41:10 MDT

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